Are you thinking of blogging? And that was just yesterday. Apparently I am! Wow, this is all really new to me. Well, I guess it's not all new. I have always loved writing. It was only a few years ago when I seriously thought about being a staff writer for some magazines that I had contacts to. No worries though. I have since discovered exactly what God has for me...WORSHIP. To be more specific, leading worship. I have always been a lover of music. Once I met my Savior Jesus Christ, it seemed only natural to combine the two. My passion is leading people to the throneroom of my King. Let me be very clear that worship is not just music. I'm hoping that this blog will open our eyes to the many different facets of what worship truly is. Who knows what might come up. So, I guess the answer to my friend would be yes, I am thinking of blogging.
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