Morning friends. At least it's morning while I'm writing this. I've been reading lately from both Exodus & 2nd Timothy. The more I read in Exodus, the more the following question keeps coming to mind...HOW SELFISH ARE WE?
Let's go back shall we. First of all, Moses was asked...BY GOD... to be His voice to the Pharaoh. The end set the Israelites free from slavery. Even Moses, a great man of God...tried to get out of it. All because he stutters a bit. Shouldn't we all pretty much say YES SIR, or maybe in Moses' case YYYYES SSSIR (no disrespect), when God is asking something of us. Keep in mind, these were the days in which God literally spoke to His people, at least on many occasions, this being one of them.
So, moving on. For those of you that know the story, Moses finally agreed to the task & proceeded to...well...set his people free. Man I loved it when Charleton Heston said that. Could Moses really have been played by anyone else? Maybe Marlon Brando. I'm the Godfather. Set my people free or I'll pop a cap in ya. Wow, that sounded a bit like gangsta godfather. Anyway, I digress. So, he agreed & thus began the plagues. Alright, at this point, Moses has done the right thing & stepped into a role that He is obviously uncomfortable with, yet he feels compelled of God that it's the right the thing to do. So what kind of gratitude does he receive from his peeps. When Pharaoh gets he often did...he put more work on the slaves. What do they do? They get upset with Moses for putting more work on them. What's up with that?!Plague, plague, plague, yada, yada, yada, we come to the actual Exodus of the Israelites. You know the story, but in case you don't, Moses wins, Pharaoh loses & the Israelites set off for the wilderness. As they begin their journey towards freedom there is much singing & dancing to the Lord for delivering them. God is Great...give us a chocolate cake. Oh no, sorry, that's Bill Cosby. You get the picture though...they're very happy! Oh, & did I mention that God also revealed Himself to them on many occasions as a pillar of Fire, parting of the Red Sea, etc., etc. Happy ending right? Well, yes & no. All along the way, God would speak direction into Moses, as well as the people as a whole. As long as things were going well, everything was cool. However, as soon as things started getting a little rough (which they were bound to do as they travelled on foot through the wilderness), they became whiny again. What's the deal!? They're on their way to freedom, They have a great leader who has given up everything for them, & they are getting direction (& food) from the audible voice & hand of the Almighty GOD! What does it take to get a little gratitude?Okay, obviously I've skipped much of the story, but I hope you got the point & can chew on it a bit. In case you missed it, let me go back to the original question. HOW SELFISH ARE WE? Most of us, even though we go through tough times, will never endure what the Israelites went through in their Exodus from Egypt. Yet, many times we find ourselves constantly whining about the circumstances that we are in. On a different twist. These stories, while convicting, always make me feel better about my walk with Christ. The bottom line is, Moses, David, the disciples...were all strong men of God. And, they all screwed up at times.
Instead of taking the easy road & griping about your circumstances, what can you THANK GOD for today, ? I can think of several things.
Labels: Exodus, Selfishness, Thankfulness