Of course it is.

Anyway, I got on Target's website and found this darling matching rug. I can't decide if the whole thing makes me want to puke or laugh. I think I'll go with laugh. It's much more fun. I don't fancy myself naive, but I still can't believe that the marketers of this world are targeting even the youngest of shoppers with this most original of sins...selfishness. On the other hand, it's really quite brilliant. I mean, how many of us have been on a claustrophobic plane, or quiet restaurant, when the cutest kid there starts the bloodcurdling chant of "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME"! Not in so many words, but you get the idea.
As I stated earlier, this whole thing started festering in my brain as we were searching for princess decor. This got me to thinking about the ironic truth in the midst of the lie. Romans 8:16&17 states: "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs of God & co-heirs with Christ...". WOW! That means that if we have His spirit within us, we indeed are princes & princesses. It's now up to us to be a living "lamp" to the world that SCREAMS it's not about us, but ALL ABOUT HIM!
By the way, no TARGET shoppers were injured in the making of this blog entry. Shop it up, just learn something in the process.
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