This week's PULSE is definitely aimed to hit the "Worship Team" square between the eyes. Our small group is made up primarily of those involved in either a praise team, band or even the choir. However, there is one gentleman that decided to come even though he's not on a team. Let me tell you, I'm REALLY glad he's there. It keeps me honest. I hope and pray that God will move others to want to be sold out worshipers...even if they're not on a platform. All that to say, he admitted to the fact that this week's lesson didn't really do anything for him. However, he was quick to then say that the scriptures in the lesson were all he needed. HALLELUJAH!! So, without further ado, here's the first bit of the Word that got us started:
"These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
Matthew 15:8-9

So, back to the above mentioned scripture. Have you ever been guilty of just going through the motions. You know the drill, singing a song that's been sung a billion times simply because you know it well. Or, raising your hands simply because the guy next to you is. Or, better yet, because he's not. We've got to being checking our motives, and even deeper than that, our heart.
Worship teams...praise teams...or whatever you want to call yourselves, we as the leaders, must get this right. If our motives are out of whack, it can so easily effect those that we are leading. On the other hand, if our motives are kept in check & our hearts aligned vertically, we can so easily effect those that we are leading. Speaking of leading, are you following me? Check out these comparisons. I know they're a bit general, but I think you'll get the point.
Matthew 15:8-9

Okay, this weeks post was really supposed to be a veritable cornucopia of video lessons straight from our small group. To stay within copyright laws I created 4 short clips taken from PULSE. There's only one slight problem...IT DIDN'T WORK! I was able to make the clips, & they look great on my computer. They just happen to not be able to be uploaded to the internet. Something about wrong format or something. As with many things (so far), if I spent enough time on it, I would figure it out. Two hours yesterday morning seemed to be enough time for now. All that said, I really wanted to get this out, so I gave in...or up...however you care to see it.
So, back to the above mentioned scripture. Have you ever been guilty of just going through the motions. You know the drill, singing a song that's been sung a billion times simply because you know it well. Or, raising your hands simply because the guy next to you is. Or, better yet, because he's not. We've got to being checking our motives, and even deeper than that, our heart.
Worship teams...praise teams...or whatever you want to call yourselves, we as the leaders, must get this right. If our motives are out of whack, it can so easily effect those that we are leading. On the other hand, if our motives are kept in check & our hearts aligned vertically, we can so easily effect those that we are leading. Speaking of leading, are you following me? Check out these comparisons. I know they're a bit general, but I think you'll get the point.
Performance is: Worship is:
External Internal
Horizontal Vertical
Natural Spiritual
For Man For God
Organized Organic
Art-Focused Heart-Focused
Complex Faith
Play Prayer
Action Attitude
External Internal
Horizontal Vertical
Natural Spiritual
For Man For God
Organized Organic
Art-Focused Heart-Focused
Complex Faith
Play Prayer
Action Attitude
Every week in churches across America, worship teams get together to practice for the upcoming service. Is this right? Don't get me wrong, for those of you that know me well, you know that I think we should practice. I just think that often times, we can practice ourselves right out of a wonderful time of worship. There's only so much that any musician can perfect. Without prayer and always working to keep Christ at the forefront of what we do, the LIFE in our worship is gone, or, I hate to say it, may have never been there in the first place. As Lamar said, "Worship is an attitude long before it becomes an action".
So, all you worship teams out there. Next time you get together to "practice", keep in mind what you're practicing for. Excellence at what you do is biblical. Strive for it always! Just make sure that the perfect sound doesn't take the place of truly connecting with your creator.
Since I didn't have video for you, I want to leave you with the last paragraph in this week's lesson from PULSE. I urge you to read it, read it again, let it sink in & then, dare I say...LIVE IT!!
"Your heart colors the worship that you present to the Lord because worship comes from within. When your heart offers up worship to God, the atmosphere in your heart goes with it. Sometimes the atmosphere smells bad because of the pollution of sin, negative attitudes or self-centeredness within you. Conversely, when you've prayed, fasted & allowed God's word to wash you, your heart has a pleasant and fragrant atmosphere. The atmosphere of your spirit is drenched with the fragrance of a sweet & sincere heart, & there's a transparency in your spirit that allows others to sense & see the Holy Spirit. People often say that a singer or musician is 'anointed' because they sense the spirit & essence of a worshipper who has a soft & pliable heart as a result of being in the presence of God.
So, all you worship teams out there. Next time you get together to "practice", keep in mind what you're practicing for. Excellence at what you do is biblical. Strive for it always! Just make sure that the perfect sound doesn't take the place of truly connecting with your creator.
Since I didn't have video for you, I want to leave you with the last paragraph in this week's lesson from PULSE. I urge you to read it, read it again, let it sink in & then, dare I say...LIVE IT!!
"Your heart colors the worship that you present to the Lord because worship comes from within. When your heart offers up worship to God, the atmosphere in your heart goes with it. Sometimes the atmosphere smells bad because of the pollution of sin, negative attitudes or self-centeredness within you. Conversely, when you've prayed, fasted & allowed God's word to wash you, your heart has a pleasant and fragrant atmosphere. The atmosphere of your spirit is drenched with the fragrance of a sweet & sincere heart, & there's a transparency in your spirit that allows others to sense & see the Holy Spirit. People often say that a singer or musician is 'anointed' because they sense the spirit & essence of a worshipper who has a soft & pliable heart as a result of being in the presence of God.
Labels: DNA, heart, Leading, Motives, Night of Worship
I think that in practice it's a time (almost private) for the platform worshippers to worship without eyes. It's also a time to get the mechanics right so that when there are eyes looking your way on Sunday morning, you aren't concerned with the technical, only the vertical. I never want to be in a place where I cannot lead someone into worship because I myself am fumbling with my instrument or my part on the song. However, I think we all have days where we don't feel anything move until the last chorus of the song that becomes our own hang up, but a hang up like that with the possibility of non-believers watching could prove fatal.
It was a great meeting, as always, but you forgot to tell the part about the stool samples!
Yes I thought of Laura, Janelle, Mike and Evan taking stool samples this sunday when they were perched over on their perches. I just giggled to myself.
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