
The story line is essentially this; "a dark comedy about the existential search for the self" Though there's much more to the story than just that, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Macy's character Edmond is on a journey, albeit a very dark one, to discover who he really is. Bored with his predictable, safe life, he ventures out into the crazy unpredictable life of the city streets. "The strangely liberating act of leaving his wife tilts Edmond into a free-fall that he mistakes for freedom".
Please understand that this is not a review (the film is not even out yet, therefore I have not seen it), nor is it a plug. Viewing the trailer was enough for me to know that this is a story as old as Adam & Eve. We're never satisfied with our lives as they are. We always want more, don't we! Edmond's desire for that new and exciting life sends him spiraling into a cyclone of self indulgence that leaves him disillusioned about the world around him and his place in it.
One of the lines from the trailer states:
"If nothing is impossible to God, then let Him cause a new day in a perfect land, where people are kind to each other".
With that quote, I'll leave you to your thoughts. Please post your comments. There's so much to chew on here. Let's see where tomorrow takes us.
Self-indulgence? Isn't is "all about me" anyway? This sort of thinking is just PRIDE, the worst kind. As with everything in our culture, I am sure "Edmond" will pride himself on the fact that he's on this journey. The real tragedy of this whole matter is that one would have to find oneself at all...outside of Jesus...who are we anyhow?
I read a little about the movie, and you are so right--it is very disturbing! And yet, why are we surprised when non-Christians act like non-Christians? If God hadn't pulled me out of the pit when he did, that could have easily been me, searching for freedom and getting more enslaved by sin every day. I thank God that "When Christ sets you free, you are free indeed!" I'm never offended when lost people act like lost people..I just grieve for them. I suspect you do, too.
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