IWI #3 - Continued

And we're off! Yesterday was our first full day at the IWI. Dillon continued with his School of Audio classes. The other 3rd of our group arrived at around 3:00, in time for our 4:15 choir rehearsal. Kathy & Becky will be here this afternoon.
Alright, that's enough of the chit chat. It's time to get to the meat of the conference. As we get deeper into the classes, I'll share about them. Until then, let me share about one of the most exciting times at the IWI. Every evening wraps up with a 3 hour worship service from 7-10. I can honestly say that these are some of the most powerful, sweet, intimate moments that I have ever corporately experienced with the Lord. Last night, former YWAM leader Bob Fitts led us in worship. This man has an incredible heritage of leading people into the presence of God. There were moments of sheer joy, coupled with quiet times on our faces before the Lord. One of the lessons I have really learned here over the years is that fearing, or better put, revering the Lord, causes us to lay aside whatever worldly fears we may have. Worship is between you & God. If he wants you on your face, don't be afraid of what every one else is thinking. If he wants you to jump for joy, do not fear! BE OBEDIENT!
Following this wonderful time of worship, the founder of the IWI, Lamar Boschman, gave the teaching for the night. You want to talk about an incredible heritage! This is the 20th anniversary of the IWI. Lamar, a descent of Dutch Mennonites, felt the spirit of the Lord move at an event in British Columbia more than 20 years ago. In his words, "from that moment on I was ruined for the things of this world". He is living out that vision through this conference and it's many arms that stretch out all over the world.
Last night, Lamar challenged us to see God in a new light & to see our ministries as "Ministers of Worship" as a "supernatural" calling. I know, I know, that word conjures up images of scary movies & ouija boards. That's obviously not the reference here. What he meant was simply this; music in the form of worship to an Almighty God, has the power to not only change lives, but transform them! We don't just need to learn music, we need to learn the theology of music. For example, 1 Samuel 16:14-23. David was hired to skillfully play his harp for Saul. Why? Saul was tormented by an evil spirit. When David played, the evil spirit would depart from Saul. Music, coupled with the HOLY SPIRIT has power! Do we believe that, or do we just want what's comfortable? Personally, I'd choose lives being radically changed over my comfort any day!!!!
Until next time...
I can attest to the fact that music wards off (if you will) demons who attack. I have been spiritually attacked several times and the one thing that brings light into my house after such a horrible event (usually at night) is the praise music I play...the enemy just can't stand for us to stand up and praise the Lord. So, life transformed in worship is a natural outflowing of your love for the Lord. Allowing the Spirit to work in you while you are worshipping corporately is double powerful because you have other Christians around you that can (if they are observant enough to) see when the Spirit falls and drop to their knees on your behalf. Definitely a powerful experience and we must see that supernatural is just "above nature" which is EXACTLY what God is...above our nature. Can't wait to see what else IWI brings up. Ciao!
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