Sidebar Please
I've finally made some much needed changes & additions to my sidebar. Let me know what you think. I would also really like to get some discussion started regarding the quote from the previous post. What are your thoughts?
The phones will be open all night.
The phones will be open all night.
Hey, I think I get it! "Sidebar please" like they say in court? (Sometimes I don't get the things you say until the next day and sometimes I never get stuff until you explain it to me, so aren't you impressed?)
About the "In rotation" music, well, I've heard of SOME of those! :)
About the quote, it's a great warning to be careful with our gifts. Even my little gifts of serving, giving and encouragement have to be reined in sometimes because it's so easy to let the gifts drive me instead of letting the Giver of the gifts lead me.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have to be very careful in certain situations to stay on top of the art. I will start something with the art in its rightful place and half way through it takes over and consumes. I can't quite put my finger on the exact turning point but I can feel it when it happens.
Two examples:
During prep for NOW'06, the art took over, but then Crosswalk was just the opposite. My whole outlook was different.
I love the second half of your quote tho'...
when it's in the right place for the right reasons, you can't keep it from ministering. Sometimes you don't even do it intentionally.
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