IWI Day 1 - Evening Worship

So, what is God speaking to me thus far...
Lord, let me live in that truth! I've really been struggling lately with what new thing God has in store for me. Or, if He even has something new for me at all. I guess I just want to know what's next? However, I think I've been basking in that so much that I've begun to make it about MY plans & not HIS. Even as I type these words, Antonia Lawrence is leading us with the words...”The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...and...He has anointed me right now”. Lord, I want, I need to feel that anointing! Do you ever feel that way? If so, I wish you were here with us this week. Bar none, the Lord has always come in fullness at this conference. I know & believe he will do it again. Steve Fry is now being introduced as the night's speaker. Let's see what he has to say... ...God weaves tapestries into all of or lives. Are you grateful for that tapestry?
“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority”
-Colossians 2:9
-Colossians 2:9
“Fullness is the potential for genuine satisfaction in any circumstance.” You can overcome those circumstances that are keeping you from Him. At that point, you will “transcend” into a new place of worship above those things that keep us bound from the “fullness” in Christ..
If a million dollar check was given to you, what would you do? At that point, you receive an overdrawn bank statement & for a moment, you forget you have the million dollars. In actuality, you have “fullness” & can pay off that debt & much more.
We are called to look at our lives through a whole new set of lenses. We are to stand back & look at who He has called us to be. One of the first things we need to do in our walk with Christ is to declare our worth & “fullness” in him.
Many Christians believe that they are victims of their circumstances. We live in a culture that makes us out to be a victim. Though there are real victims, many of us are “nickel & dime” victims, thus giving us a skewed view of life. We feel offended at the injustice of it all & blame other things for our lack of “fullness”. The bottom line is this...we're all going to go through the stuff.
Life is not about success here, it's about training for there!
Learn your lesson so you can graduate with the top of the class. You DO NOT have to look at your life as series of injustices. God just wants us to be HUMBLE before Him.
Others of you may feel like your going through your life just being. You've lost your dream & vision. You say, I'm stuck & don't know where to go, or what to do. Friends, when you feel like you're just surviving, God is increasing your spiritual authority in Him!
If we come to Him in repentance, He can redeem. There are no failures in the kingdom! As sinners, we must come to Him in repentance. We never have to labor through a lifetime of guilt! GOD CAN, WANTS TO & WILL USE YOU! Next time you're corrected, say to yourself, God's fine tuning my future. OUCH!
I can't speak for everyone, but Steve spoke straight to me. Now I just have to line in the truth of God's Word. Rather than babble on, I'm going to take some time to take it all in. Hopefully, something here will speak to you as well. My apologies, if it seems a bit disjunct. I pray that God will speak to you as He did me.
See ya tomorrow!
See ya tomorrow!
Labels: '07 IWI, Fullness, Night of Worship
It spoke to me!
I'm so glad we're here! I don't even mind hearing the hard stuff (too much).
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