Banner Man

One man's grinning from behind the net
Waits 'til the camera's adjusted
Don't you worry 'bout the flak you'll get?
Aren't you scared of getting busted?
The ball gets booted, It hits a cross-beam
Up pops a banner: 'JOHN 3:16'
He don't worry 'bout the critics (they tow the line)
He don't worry 'bout the cynics (they love to whine)
He ain't gonna change the world, but he knows who can
Prime-time football in the Buffalo snow
Freezing his little epidermis
Lifts that banner at the first field goal
Drinks clam-chowder from a thermos
He's never missed a game, He never spells it wrong
He never talks back when they tell him, "Move along"
He don't worry 'bout the critics (they'll howl for days)
He don't worry 'bout the cynics (they naval-gaze)
He ain't gonna change the world, but he knows who can
Sports fans everywhere dying for a drink
But they've gotta find a well first
One man's ready with a banner and a wink
A whole lotta souls are getting well-versed
Every time I see him I smile a little more
I can't help praying for another high score
He don't worry 'bout the critics (they've met their match)
He don't worry 'bout the cynics (they sniff and scratch)
He ain't gonna change the world, but he knows who can
A little sarcastic, but you get the point. At 6:00 tonight, Beyond Walls; a new band here at FBC, is going out into the community for our first gig. We will be doing songs that don't get sung in church very often, songs that can be heard on mainstream radio, Songs of life & love. The point of this new ministry is not to beat people over the head with Christ. The point is to meet them on a level playing field with the universal language of hopes that those listening will sense the love that we are singing about & want more.
So, back to Bannerman. We too have jumped on the banner band wagon. Or is it, band banner wagon? At the top of this blog entry you saw the banner that everyone else will see at tonight's gig. It's our prayer that someone will see it, hear us & JUST ASK. The answer we have for them will change their life forever!
Well, I know you think I tend to be biased, but IT WAS TRULY INCREDIBLE!!! There was a LOT of talent on that stage, and you guys sounded like you'd been together for years!
What will your first project be entitled? I'm serious!! I wanna KEEP that sound!! Did you record it?
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