What's that noise?
Hey everybody. As you can tell, I've been out of pocket for the last few days. The IWI was incredible, but it kept me a little too busy to keep up with the blog. No, it kept me a lot to busy! This week we're moving, so I don't know how often I'll enter the blogosphere.
However, I did want to get the ball rolling on one of the topics that I always love at the IWI. It's this idea of singing our prayers as well as our praise. I call it an idea, but in reality it's actually a practice that's in the Word more times than I can count. You remember...the "NEW SONG". In the original Hebrew, the word "Tephillah" means "supplication" or "intercession". This is a prayer that is sung unto the Lord. The word "Tehillah" means "a song, or hymn of praise". Lamar Boschman, the founder of the IWI, goes a little deeper on this subject in his article; The Power of Singing Prayer.
What are your thoughts on this? If you've never been here before, first of all WELCOME! Secondly, you can click on the comment link below and let me know what you think. Let's get the dialog started.
Have you ever engaged in "Tephillah" or "Tehillah"? Privately or in public worship?
It's all yours...

Have you ever engaged in "Tephillah" or "Tehillah"? Privately or in public worship?
It's all yours...
Hey, thanks! I didn't have a CLUE how to spell that word!
Yeah, I do that sometimes, but I usually feel a little silly when I do, unlike Annette, who is WAY into singing her prayers. Hearing LaMar talk about it really confirmed the importance of it to me, though, and I think I'll be less self-conscious about it from now on. I'd read about singing a new song in the Bible for years, especially in Psalms, but I didn't know that's what it was talking about.
[OFF-TOPIC--Speaking of words, maybe sometime you can teach us the correct spelling of syncrisity and the word that sounds like "tay-lah" (if I remember correctly). That's the God-encounter like Rebekah had with Abraham's servant when she watered the camels. I had a moment like that today! I was going through withdrawal symptoms after spending so much time with you last week (ha!), so it was cool that God arranged for us to run into each other in town!]
Back on topic, I hope someday we'll be a worshiping church where everyone will feel comfortable singing our own new songs, but first we'll have to get used to singing them in our own prayer closets, and I'm not sure everyone in our church HAS a prayer closet...
I have to admit that I do not remember singing a prayer in public. However, I will sit on my porch sometimes and start doing it. I like to sit by myself and look at the night sky and say a prayer thanking God for the day. I sometimes find myself singing them. I didn't realize that this had a name. I thought I was just expressing myself the way I wanted because no one was around.
Well, I am glad there's a name for what my heart desires to do when completely immersed in undistracted prayer. When our deacon board would pray together we would "let it go" so to speak and often prayers would be sung and spoken. I thought it was a marvelous God-moment to comprehend that He was inclining His ear to hear my song of prayer.
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