Today's been one of those days. Tomorrow I'm going on my annual bonding trip with the guys. It's basically an opportunity for me to realize how bad a golfer I really am. Play a little golf, eat a lot of fish, play a little cards. That's pretty much it. I'll talk at you next week. Maybe then I'll have something profound to say...MAYBE!
Isn't that just like life, going from "I am blessed" to "#@$%&*@#" in just two days!?
Go have fun, eat too much, stay up too late, bond with the guys.
You'll be as good as new and raring to lead us in worship Sunday as always!
Aren't WE the mother hens?!
Hope you feel better after all of this. Really, who needs profoundness? Just relax and let it roll!
Thanks Julie. God's presence was pretty incredible!
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