Saturday, August 05, 2006

Still here!

No, I haven't quit blogging! I've just been a little busy as of late. You know the old saying; "when it rains it pours".

Tomorrow, I will be speaking (more than usual) in one of our 3 services. Not long, maybe 5 minutes max. It's something that I have been meeting with God about for some time & I believe it's time to teach this specific body. I figure, as much as I've been preaching obedience lately, it's time that I lived it. Be praying for me.

Also, Titus & Robert are back from Africa. Titus will be preaching. I can't wait! All of our issues here must seem so trivial to a man that lives in the Aids ravaged streets of Africa.



Blogger Me said...

Sorry, it's the 2nd.

3:46 PM  
Blogger KathyH said...

I'll be there to pray.

4:05 PM  
Blogger santana davis said...

I wrote about your comments in Church Sunday. My blog is on Yahoo 360 at Perry D's 1962. I have been called a Bible-thumper and judgemental by some. I say nothing mean-spirited. I write what I see and hear. My father says you are sincere but the FBC/Clarksville has problems. Not being a member gives me the chance to observe with no emotional attachment involved. My comments are offered to help the Church, not hurt you.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Ok, so what did you say since I missed the whole sha-bang on sunday

11:09 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Hello Miranda2. Thank you for your honesty. I would love to speak with you sometime about your feelings towards FBC. Truth be told, many local people have had their lives changed by the many ministries of FBC. Many of those folks by one on one relationships, just as Jesus did. God is doing incredible things within our body. I hope you will come to see these things and get plugged into them in the future. Please let me know if I can help in any way. God Bless!!

-Mark Edington
FBC Worship Pastor

10:15 PM  
Blogger santana davis said...

You misunderstood, ignored or overlooked my point about the music. It's obvious that there are many people at FBC with nearly 1,ooo people in the building. As a visitor to your service I wrote about what I saw:You singing and the others watching you sing. I am not hung up on the "old songs" as one commented. The traditional service should have traditional songs. This may bore you but try to listen to Bill Gaither's Church in the Wildwood Cd. Take those songs and lead the second service and the people will sing along as long as you will stand up there. You have a great voice and it's a God-given talent. I can't sing, sometimes I can barely speak.
But I know what I saw and I believe what I heard. My feelings toward FBC? That doesn't matter. What matters is the perception of the people of this County. What do they see when they visit the FBC? Africa mission? Where's the mission to Lamar or Hartman? Wher's the comfort and aid to the local people in need? As I said before, I am merely a visitor, what you do with the feedback,is up to you.

7:12 AM  

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