Prepare the way & get out of it!

Here's what David has to say about preparation:
"To know what is coming yet not prepare is a lack of faith even if you believe it will happen! If we truly believe God has called us to stand in His presence when the body of Christ gathers for worship, then we need to approach every meeting with anticipation and faith that God is going to do great things. If you believe God has called you to lead (in) a powerful worship team and see His presence influence your city, then what are you doing right now to prepare for the coming visitation? We see in Isaiah a prophecy of John the Baptist & Jesus. Within that prophetic word is a principle of preparing the way that applies to our churches and worship teams right now.
3"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
Prepare the way of the LORD;
Make straight in the desert
A highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough places smooth;
5 The glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
And all flesh shall see it together;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.Â
Isaiah 40:3-5
In verse 4 where it says 'Every valley shall be exalted -raised up- and every mountain and hill made low,' this is referring to the ancient practice of preparing a travel route for kings, queens and monarchs.Before a dignitary would leave their domain to travel to another region they would send out an army to build a highway for the chariots of the emperor (did you know that...I didn't). This process would take months, sometimes years to remove the boulders, trees and debris from the road. If there were ravines that had been washed out they would fill them in. All of the obstacles, even hills and portions of mountain peaks were removed inpreparationn for the entrance of the sovereign. In regard to John the Baptist, the obstacles were religious tradition, self-righteousness and hardened hearts. The message of repentance and baptism was thepreparationn for the revealing of 'The Glory of The Lord', Christ. The principle here applies to our churches and worship communities; when we prepare the way by removing the obstacles and hindrances to true worship, the glory of the Lord will be revealed!"
I hope that this spoke to you as it did me. What is your heart like as you enter into corporate worship? Is it just one more thing in an already busy week, or have you "prepared the way" by eliminating all obstacles that might be in the way of the Lord?
I want to make sure that you understood one key point to this whole application. We are not removing obstacles that would keep us from Him. On the contrary, we are removing those things that keep Him from us! He so desperately desires to come and have community with us, His children.
Is the highway to your soul cleared and open for His Grand entrance??
That was good!
I remember back when I was young and stupid, going to church on Sunday morning was just another thing on my "to do" list.
I'm so grateful that NOW I get more excited every day the closer it gets to Sunday, because I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our corporate worship and how he will speak to me personally.
And that's soooo true that we have to prepare our hearts ahead of time. No staying up late watching TV or doing anything else that would be counterproductive to arriving at church in a spirit of worship.
I love the t-shirt I got at the IWI--it says, "Eat. Sleep. Worship." YESSSSS!!!!!
I think it's true we need to be continually in road construction season because there are continual interruptions to making the way straight for the Lord to come to us. However, I want to raise that bar. I think that if we are in continual communion with the Lord during the week that those obstacles aren't there anymore...I also think that should be our personal worship and thus we are prepared each moment to walk into corporate worship. Something just as simple as a family time of listening to some worship music, spurring on good discussion and ultimately deepening the relationship with the Lord can happen everyday you are alive...not just on Sunday. Honestly, I haven't been in a worship service since Robert's last one in June...however, each day I make the way for the Lord so I don't lose a moment of sponateous corporate worship when it occurs.
Interesting! I do think you're onto something. I'll post something soon in regards to that topic. It's Jack Hayford.:)
Good thoughts, "Summer!" You have an awesome responsibility as a worship leader, and I'm praying for you every day as promised!
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