At the risk of seeming vain

However, I did want to make it a bit easier for those of you that have joined me in this vast blogosphere. As you can see, I have added a subscription feature in the sidebar. Simply type in your e-mail address, click subscribe & you're good to go. I've also updated my playlist.
Okay, I admit it. I Love new toys & gadgets! I'll be adding new features to the site as I learn of & about them. Also, if you care about seeing the blog as it should be with the header in tact, you can simply back out of the site & go back in & it should be there. I'm working on fixing the problem completely, but that should work for now.
Just remember, it's all for you! Well, maybe not all of it. Thanks for taking this trip with me!!!
How do you learn so much about technology? I have the desire, but for some reason, every piece of electrical technology that I touch messes up. Right now I cannot burn CDs and dont know why, I cant figure out how to put video clips on my blog, and I cant subscribe to the FBC i-tunes thing because I have windows 98. Oh, and i cant make my palm and my computer work together successfully. Anyway, I dont know how you figure all of this stuff out. Maybe it's one of those things you are just born either having or not hoaving.
I simply persevere & gain lots of patience. That second "P" is something I could use a lot more of.
So if (when) I subscribe, what does that mean exactly? The new blog entry will come automatically to my email address or I'll get a notice that you posted one or what?
I'll go on ANY kind of trip with you ANYTIME, you know that, T-Mark!
Yeah, why don't you just use THAT picture as your header?
Mark, the next blog gadget you need is a site meter. and have free ones. Check 'em out. Easy to install. If you need any assistance, drop me a line.
A site meter will let you know how much traffic you have, but more importantly, you'll know where it came from. I came by your blog this evening because my site meters let me know I got two hits from your blog today. So I came on over to see if you'd linked to me or something. And if I didn't already have my blog linked to yours I'd add you now. See how that works? Reciprocity grows your blog. but you need a meter to get in the game.
Friendship is free. Tech advice is $50/hr. I'll bill ya.
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