Remember Bill The Cat?

Anyway, in the midst of the craziness this week, God did something pretty incredible. At least I think it was. We, at FBC, had the privilege of hosting some guests this week for a wedding reception. Our local Mennonite friends needed a place that would hold about 600 people. I've never seen so many chairs in our activity center at one time. The reception wasn't until Thursday evening, but as weddings go, they were in and out all week long. I realize that they were using our building because of its size, but I really believe that God was working in the midst of it all.
So, come Wednesday night, it was time for our weekly rehearsals for Sunday morning. As we began, there were a few of them standing around. By the time we were halfway through the first song I turned around to witness somewhere between 30-40 of them, with more peaking there heads in the windows. At first, I have to admit I was a little nervous. However, It wasn't long before the peace of God really began to fall in that place. Our rehearsals are not just rehearsals. We have always focused on it being a time of worship. Yes, we work on the details, but in the long run, the overall time is filled with God's presence. Who knows what they were thinking. All I know is that within that two hour period of time, walls were broken down while two very different groups of people came together in Christ's name. It was a wonderful time in the midst of a crazy week.
Since that night my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I wanted to know more about our new Mennonite friends. I've always been a researcher. Though we don't see eye to eye on everything, you might be surprised to know how alike we really are. Both Baptists & Mennonites have a foundational connection to the Anabaptists from the 1500's. How much of a connection is, and will always be, disputed by those that actually care. However, there is a connection. One notable relationship between the two was when John Smyth's General Baptists attempted to merge with the Mennonites. This attempt obviously failed, or else us Baptists might look, act & live a little differently today. Sometimes I'm not sure that would be a bad thing. Alright, enough with the lecture.
My point is simply this; let's do more to break down the walls between those that seem different than us. Yes, I will admit to my curiosities. What do you think caused them to come watch us in our time of worship...CURIOSITY! Let's just see if we can get past just wanting to know more and get to the heart of who we truly are as a people. In this case, we are all His children.
"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" - John 1:12 (NIV)
That's amazing! What a striking resemblance, especially now that you're letting your hair grow out! (Kidding! You know I love your hair!)
I agree that the Mennonites were a blessing! And since the Holy Spirit was ALL OVER our rehearsal, I bet they were blessed, too!
I'm glad that we have so much diversity in the body of Christ. Makes life more interesting! Can't wait until I get to heaven and get to worship with people from all different nations, too! God was so creative to think up so much VARIETY!
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