In remembrance?
The other day I was flipping through the channels & came across a commercial for a "5th anniversary 9/11 Commemorative Coin".
I'm not a coin collector, so naturally this struck me as a bit tacky. Yes, they're giving 5 bucks from every purchase to 9/11 charities. That's wonderful! But would it not be better to put all of the money towards helping the victims & families in need. I realize that I'm on a bit of a soapbox here, but who really needs another coin to take up space in our already crowded lives. If you want to help those affected by that terrible day, here are just a few of the charities that "all" of your gift will be used:
World Trade Center Memorial Foundation
The New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund
I guess I got a bit burned on this kind of stuff when I worked at Word Records & would go to "Christian Bookseller's Association" every year. You know, the type of conference that tries to sell you on every new product coming out. The good, the bad & the ugly! I'm not knocking CBA. They do some really great things, but at times it was really over the top. They had everything from candy bars with Jesus' face on them to action figures of Jesus & the disciples. Yes, Jesus had "gliding action" but come on...REALLY! Couldn't these retailers have used their money to manufacture something that would really benefit the Kingdom? Couldn't we use our resources to better serve the Kingdom? Better yet, let's put our feet where our money is & GO help!
For those of you avid coin collectors, my sincere apologies. Order as many as you can. Knock yourself out!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27 (NIV)
Yeah, Annette and I were in a Christian bookstore once and she wanted to buy a Christian granola bar, and I said "How could you eat something so tacky?!"
Move over, I'm climbing on the soap box too! I think it's time to move forward with this incident. Yes it was horrible. Yes, it was terrible and horrific and all, but people in other parts of the world deal with this and worse every single day they are alive. We act like this is some sort of anomaly to be analyzed, dissected and run through the wringer. I think the families live with enough pain everyday without another constant inflamatory reminder that will not negate the fact that their loved one or ones are gone NOR will it bring them back. AND I think that on some level silly tokens seem to demean the actual cause for which their loved ones died...whether a fire fighter or someone killed in the crash. The bottom line is that we have furthered the victim mentality nation-wide and by allowing all of us to wallow in our grief we stand stupefied in front of the world wondering what we are fighting for in the first it for freedom's sake or a reactive response of revenge. Perhaps both, but something had to come first and most likely it was revenge. Can someone tell me where in the Bible it says we take our OWN revenge?
That all being said, I support our people in uniforms whole heartedly. I just wish we would make some sort of progress with dealing with this entire situation that like this comment has been completely blown out of proportion.
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