YouTube or TheirTube?

It looks like yours & my favorite outlet for amateur movie making might be in trouble. Universal Music Group says that both YouTube & MySpace are violating copyright laws by allowing users to post music videos of their artists. Universal Music CEO Doug Morris stated:
"We believe these new businesses are copyright infringers and owe us tens of millions of dollars,"
Okay, let me stop right there. Folks, this is why I left the music industry. Well, one of the reasons. It was drenched with greed! Universal, as well as the multiple other music labels that will jump on the bandwagon, are not hurting for cash. However, it's never enough! Now I'm not saying that I condone the abuse & misuse of copyrighted material. For that matter, me putting someone else's video on YouTube kind of defeats the purpose of the site.
As a creative person this hits me from so many different angles. YouTube is a place where real homegrown creativity can be showcased. Creativity that in most cases would never be viewed. If Universal, or the next big label, shuts it down, this creativity will be squashed beneath the giant boots of a cookie cutter industry. The next thing we know YouTube will be TheirTube!
I realize that their are much more important things in life than this silliness, but this is part of what makes me tick.
What think ye?
Hooray for greed-sickness if it got you out of Nashville and to Clarksvegas!
OK, that wasn't exactly the comment you wanted, but it's straight from the heart!
I DO care about the subject, because I really loved the "Shine On" video you posted and I hope you'll post more.
"Down with the squashing of creativity!" says I. I would think that with where we are now technologically, their dollars would be better spent trying to find a way to prevent pirating their videos than on an attorney to sue poor little YouTube. Speaking of technology, I read a very intersting article in "Wired" magazine. I'll post the highlights.
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