Commenting Issue
Quick notice : I am sorry to those that have tried to leave comments. Since I switched to blogging in beta, the comments have not been available it seems to those logging it using standard blogger. Also, I have not been able to leave comments on blogs that have not switched over.
From Blogger: Users who have not switched to Blogger in beta will not be able to login to comment on blogs that have been switched. Commenting using the “anonymous” or “other” options will still work. — latest update on 9/05/2006 04:44:00 PM
So, in a nutshell, here's the deal. Blogger has recently been purchased by GOOGLE & consequently is presently in the process of changing blogger. In the long run it will have much more & better features. However, until then, there are obviously still a few bugs to be worked out. To fix this problem, you will all need to open a google account at It's a very simple & painfree process. This will convert your present blogger account over to blogger beta. Eventually, everyone is going to be forced to switch, so why not go ahead and get it over with.
I've been missing our little community & am looking forward to hearing from & speaking to you again. Please post a comment once you've starter your new account.
See you in the blogosphere!
From Blogger: Users who have not switched to Blogger in beta will not be able to login to comment on blogs that have been switched. Commenting using the “anonymous” or “other” options will still work. — latest update on 9/05/2006 04:44:00 PM
So, in a nutshell, here's the deal. Blogger has recently been purchased by GOOGLE & consequently is presently in the process of changing blogger. In the long run it will have much more & better features. However, until then, there are obviously still a few bugs to be worked out. To fix this problem, you will all need to open a google account at It's a very simple & painfree process. This will convert your present blogger account over to blogger beta. Eventually, everyone is going to be forced to switch, so why not go ahead and get it over with.
I've been missing our little community & am looking forward to hearing from & speaking to you again. Please post a comment once you've starter your new account.
See you in the blogosphere!
Mystery solved! Annette and I had already done that, not knowing what we were doing! We had been required to sign in again at the top right sign-in place. We didn't know WHY. Annette had to email me and ask me what her username and password were because I had set hers up initially!
I thought about saying we had figured it out because we're smarter than the rest of you, but I knew nobody would believe that! Ha!
Can you hear me now?
Yes! you'll never shut me up!
Spring, you sounded beautiful singing "Jesus Take the Wheel" at my friend Susan's brother's memorial service last night at FBC Ozark.
It was surreal to hear you and know you weren't there. (I had delivered you in a teensy-weensy CD!)
And the people at the service LOVED "In Christ Alone!" (Yes, you sang that one, too, you teensy-weensy thing!)
Ok, I jumped through all the hoops. I hope this works :)
Hooray for Julie!!
WooHoo! Good to see you all again!
okay, I'm back
Annette is good.
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