Monday, August 28, 2006

His Final Creation

Yes, I realize that 75% or more of my readership is of the female persuasion. However, this message is for the guys. So, ladies, print it up & pass it on.

This morning a friend of mine called to let me know of an article that she had recently read in Home Life magazine. It was called "Finishing Touches" & it was essentially about how we guys have neglected the one part of God's creation that was created to be our other make us complete. No, she wasn't informing me of this because she thought I needed to read it. Wait a minute! Maybe she was. Hey! Should I be offended? Nah! It was written by my (and now your) good friend
Shaun Groves. I would love to post it, but I can't seem to find it anywhere online. C'mon Shaun, hook a brotha up! There's no telling how many cd sales I've sent your way.

So, in a nutshell, here's what stood out to me in the article. You know the gig, it took seven days for God's creation to be complete. Well, actually six, with a little siesta on the seventh. On the final day, God put man into a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs. With this rib He created his final creation..."Woman". Did you catch that? This was His FINAL creation! As Shaun put it, "The finishing touch on a masterpiece...The world was not complete and neither was the man until she arrived."

Ladies, please forgive us. We have not held you in high esteem as we should. You were "the final brushstrokes on God's magnificent canvas".

Without you, we are only half of what God created us to be.


Blogger Spring said...

Warm and Fuzzy. That's all I have to say.

4:51 PM  
Blogger KathyH said...

Hence the flowers I saw on your dining room table this afternoon?

Way to practice what you preach!!

8:55 PM  

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