Anticipation is a wonderful thing!

What are you anticipating?
Better yet, what are you expecting?
This morning I was at the church finishing up a few last minute tasks before this Sunday's services. I wasn't doing anything that necessarily pertains to my specific job description. However, it was through these seemingly tedious tasks that I was overwhelmed with an incredible sense of awe. Three times within about 20 minutes I found myself face down before the Lord, and all I was doing was straightening chairs.
This Sunday is one of our highest attended Sundays of the year. So, needless to say, we put a lot of eggs into this basket. This past week was filled with many different people doing many different things, and it was all for one reason. To give our best to our Savior, in hopes that the people coming this week will come to know Him.
I ask it again, what are you anticipating & expecting God to do in and through you?
Wow! If the wind of the Spirit was blowing so strongly that it drove you to your knees in an empty worship center on a Friday, I can't WAIT to see what he will do on Sunday when we meet corporately to sing his praises!
My plan is to throw myself into the wind just like you did, and I expect it to be beyond-words-amazingly wonderful! "Come, Holy Spirit!!" I can't wait!
I don't know what God is specifically doing in and through me, yet. Something, though, because I am seemingly being prepared for a BIG uncomfortable change. I am getting a lot of repetitive scripture from unrelated sources, and I don't believe in coincedences. As for FBC, I am very excited, I believe that the Holy Spirit is about to bust up in there like never before. I can't wait to be a part of it!
I am commenting on Monday morning, so this service already happened. I have to let you know, the Holy Spirit got to me as soon as the first service began. I could feel it overwhelming me. I hope someone else felt it.
The spirit was there and was moving like a paintbrush over a canvas - soft, smooth strokes working on a beautiful masterpiece. marvelous!
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