Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Joy in the journey -or- *%&@#$)&!

Day 2 on the Night of Worship recording. Yes, I said day 2! I'm just now finding the time to actually get to it. I know that I know that I know that I was not meant to be a record producer. I love to put my two cents in on what I think sounds good, but actually doing the editing is, well, challenging to say the least. Props to all you producers out there in cyberspace. Making something sound good is flat out HARD!

This year we bought some new equipment to multi-track. It worked really well. Now, if I can just get through this post-production process (say that 5 times fast) without totally destroying the original recording, I'll be AMAZED! You see, I'm a trial & error type of student. However, recording equipment sometimes doesn't leave much room for error.

I've learned something else. Well, I already knew it, but let's just say that the problem is multiplied on a recording. THE CHOIR MICS PICK UP EVERYTHING! Thus making the drums sound like they are in a can.

I say all this to say, you are my blogofriends (new word), and I covet your prayers for patience, perserverence & time management mainly. In the end, It will sound GREAT! It's just the getting there that I'm concerned about.

Here's a link to a file for the first song "Psalm 40". I thought you might be interested to see how it's coming. Keep in mind, this is a rough copy, not the master. Let me know in the comments if the link doesn't work. Once again...trial & error.


Ahhhhh...The joy in the journey!


Blogger Spring said...

Sorry, your frustrated. Don't let it consume you. Cannot open the file. It said it was password protected or something.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Me said...

I think the file should work now. Give it another shot.

10:09 PM  

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