Saturday, January 05, 2008

Audio Test using "The Lord's Prayer"

Can I get a big HOLLA! I finally figured out how to post audio files on Blogger without using a paid online service to save my files. You might even call it beating the system. I might.  After much googling I ran across the following blog, Skip's Tips. Thanks to Skip I was able to use the video uploading feature to post audio. HE'S A GENIUS!!

Anyway, here's a song I wrote based on the Lord's Prayer. For those of you that know me, you know I HATE self promotion. However, a wise friend of mine told me that I would be wasting a gift if it were not shared. So, here 'tis. 

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Blogger KathyH said...

Thanks for swallowing your excessive (IMHO) humility and blessing us!

You know, before I started filing in your office,we were singing songs in our corporate worship that I didn't have a CLUE you wrote!

I hope you'll post some of the others you wrote, too, and also our choir pieces, starting with "Miracle" because it was a miracle we pulled that one off, and "Heaven Came Down" because it sounded so good with your solo.

(As my husband says, "Want, want, want!" But John says, “Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.”)

6:05 PM  

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