Thursday, January 10, 2008

A few morning thoughts

Just a few thoughts from my study this morning. 

God decided to remind me first thing of who He is. Multiple times in my reading this morning, He declared..."I AM GOD, YOUR GOD". How many times do we live our lives as if that is not true. In fact, by my actions, I am often times saying...MARK is god. Just this last Monday, at The Well, we were discussing the act of refusing God's forgiveness. Basically what we came down to is that every selfish act on our part is essentially the refusal of His love & forgiveness. Have you ever thought of it that way? It was good for me to put it in those terms.

To add to the declaration of who He is, God said, "Live a holy life, because I am God, your God". be set apart. How are we set apart from the world? Keeping in mind that God has also called us to be in the world, not of it. I ran across a great article in a website called Here's a snippet from it:

I leave you with this one last thought. In my study this morning, I finished with God stating in His Word, "I am the God who makes you holy". Did you catch that. Let's read it again...


We can't do it on our own! We must submit to His authority to do this thing called life.

Joy in the journey!

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Blogger KathyH said...

Thanks, Mark. I appreciate your honesty. My biggest idol is ME. Sometimes I want my way more than God's way, which is pretty stupid since God knows what's best for me!

I'm believing for joy!! I may not feel it today, but I believe it's coming! There's discipline involved in dying to self, and it's not pleasant at the time, as Paul said, but the rewards will make it worthwhile!

11:05 AM  

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